My Biodata


Me | Soliloquy | My Biodata | My Biodata | R.Schumann | F.Schubert | W.A.Mozart | L.V.Beethoven | CM von Weber | Heinrich Heine | Top 10 | Autumn Leaves | O Holy Night
House Of Sensibilities

Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School   1988 - 1993   PSLE Cert.
The Chinese High School                      1994 - 1997   GCE O'Levels
Raffles Junior College                            1998 - 1999   GCE A'Levels
National University of Singapore            2000 - present
Music experience (education)
DipABRSM Piano Perfomance             2001
ABRSM Grade 8 Piano (Merit)            1996
Music experience (performance)
Ong Lip Tat Students' Concert              1999   Victoria Concert Hall 
                                                                        (Bach: Sonata for 2 pianos)
RJC Alumni Noteworthy Concert          2000   Young Musicians' Society
                                                                        (Mozart: Piano Trio K.502,
                                                                         Weber: Flute Trio)
RJC Alumni Noteworthy Concert 2       2001    Young Musicians' Society
                                                                         ('Bessie's Song' from Jane
                                                                           Eyre - own composition)
RJC Alumni Noteworthy Concert 3       2002     Chijmes
(forthcoming)                                                      (Mozart: Piano Quartet,
                                                                            Bach: Sicilienne)
Music experience (others)
Current part-time piano teacher (all levels)
Regular piano accompanist for singers
Other instruments played : violist in secondary and JC school orchestras
Aspiring composer of songs (both classical and pop) and hopes to write for the orchestra and music theatre one day :)
Music interests
Piano repertoire of the Classical and Romantic periods (esp Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Schumann)
Chamber music before 1900
Orchestral music of the Romantic period
Operas of Mozart and Bellini
Lieder (esp. Schubert, Schumann and Brahms)
Opera in general
More recent music theatre  
Sentimental pop songs/ballads             

Created on 28/05/2002
Updated on 28/05/2002